Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Sydney Opera House and Surfing At Bondi Beach

Day 17 July 8th

Today we got to sleep in until 7:30 am we had breakfast in the hotel and we were off to the Sydney Opera House. On the way there we had a tour of historic buildings and parks in beautiful Sydney. We had a one hour tour and they described how the opera house was built, designed and paid for. We also got to hear an orchestra practice in the largest concert hall, the acoustics were incredible. We had the opportunity to take some wonderful pictures outside the opera house as well as the Harbour Bridge. We then loaded the bus for a 20 minute ride to Bondi Beach. We all got into wet suits and had lessons on the beach then we ventured into the ocean for some surfing. Even though it rained it didn’t dampen our spirits it just added to the incredible surfing experience. We are all going to take up surfing in the states when we get back. Tonight we are having dinner at Darling Harbour in Sydney and then a little shopping time for anyone who still has money left. We will be flying to Cairns tomorrow.

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