Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sailing to Mystery Island

Bula Bula to all our American Friends,
Today after breakfast we boarded the motor coach and left our wonderful Warwick resort to experience another wonderful day. We had a 2 hour drive past Sigatoka, Natadola and Nadi to a resort town Denarue where Bill Gates owns many houses. There we boarded a beautiful Tall Clipper Sail boat and begun the 1.5hour cruise to Mystery island (Tavua) just past the island where they filmed the movie Castaway. They boat got close to the island and then a little boat came and took us the rest of the way. We then got into the water and walked the last couple of feet. Once on the island we had a choice to relax (Fiji Style) , get a massage on the beach, go snorkeling, Scuba Dive for our certified students, Canoe around the island, play beach volleyball or sit under a hut and enjoy the view. At 1:00 they played loud drums and they served us lunch on the island. We then enjoyed all those same activities until 3:00. We boarded the little boat which took us out to the clipper boat and we sailed back while the guide told us about culture in Fiji. Once we arrived at the port we got to go to Hard Rock Cafe and purchase shirts. Some kids ate. We then boarded the bus for our hotel and ate Indian Food. The students are now enjoying our wonderful entertainment at the resort. A very spectacular day in Fiji. Tomorrow we go to the Fiji Sand Dunes. Pictures are coming soon.
Bula Bula

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