Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Full On Leap of Faith

Full On Experience

Day 6 Wednesday June 30th 2010

We woke up at 5:30 and had breakfast at 6:30 in the Maori. We loaded the bus at 7:30 for a one hour drive to Rotorua where we are going to participate in a Full On experience. We had tea and fruit on arrival and informational speakers gave us wonderful and positive information. We had a short walk to the High Ropes course. We all put on harnesses and divided into 4 groups. There were 5 high elements. 1st was partners tight rope where you had to balance on a high wire while helping your partner balance and grab the next rope. 2nd was the obstacle high ropes where you had to climb a ladder which was hooked onto a tire then another long piece of wood then another tire. It is 35 to 40 feet off the ground. We are hooked to ropes and were very safe. 3rd was the giant ladder where the rungs get further apart as you go up and they are swinging at the same time. You do this in partners so you must help your partner before you go higher. 4th was high rope where you hang onto another rope and move across the bottom wire which is 35 feet off the ground. The most exciting, daring, scaring and breakthrough challenge for most students was the Leap of Faith!!! It is a telephone pole 40 feet high, metal footings all the way to the top then you STAND on top of the pole which is only 10” wide. From there you jumped 6 feet to the trapeze bar, grab it and then rely on the student to balet you safely to the ground. Most kids did this and some were scared but believed in themselves afterwards. The students and leaders conquered their fears of heights and jumping as well as trusting their friends to keep them safe. It was an awesome day for all of us. We then went to the dining hall for lunch. The Full On group gave as an uplifting and motivational talk about how to take more responsibility for our lives. We had time to ourselves, we played games, had dinner and now we are watched Finding Nemo as a group.
Day 5 Tuesday June 29th 2010

We woke up at 3:00am already packed and loaded our luggage on the coach, had breakfast at 3:45 and we were on our way to the Nadi Airport in Fiji. It was a 2 hour bus ride to the airport. Our flight to New Zealand was 3 hours long. We loaded the bus, met our DM Anita and our bus driver Michael. We went to the butterfly creek for lunch. The food was great. We had a 2 hour bus ride to Paparoa Marae. by the Maori. We are in the Tauranga Region. On arrival we were met by Maa and she explained the Maori culture. We entered the Maori and the chief explained it in his language and then in English. Our chief was Aaron Motley and he gave a PTP speech. They sang us a song and we sang “We are the world” we practiced for 2 hours and we were good. We then had dinner provided by the Maori which was beef, chicken, lamb, salads and bread. The kids enjoyed the food. After dinner they put on a concert for us by the Maori children and we all got up and participated. After the concert we all entered the” Maori Wharenui” Whare means house and nui means sleep. A sleeping house. Boys on one side and girls on the other teachers in the middle. We are all laughing and telling stories and eventually we will sleep.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Today we had a great breakfast at our hotel, loaded the bus and began our 1 hour ride to beautiful Pacific Harbour we stopped at a place called Arts Village in Pacific Harbour for the students to shop and take pictures. We then got back on the bus and drove about 5 minutes to a house where they had snacks waiting for us. The people came with us and we drove about 5 minutes to a little town Navua. There we got on our life jackets and boarded “long boats”. These boats are very long, there is a captain and he uses the outboard motor to drive. We had 5 boats. We boated down the river where the movie Anaconda was filmed. Don’t worry there were no snakes. After about 40 minutes we stopped at a village. We all put on our sarongs and boys put on their sulu’s. We entered the village chief first, then spokesperson, boys then girls. We were greeted in their getting house where they welcomed us with a Kava celebration and performed dances. We then walked the village and visited their school. We came back to the greeting house for lunch. They performed more dances and we all danced, and it was time to board the long boats again. We boated for about 20 minutes and half of us walked through the rainforest to a beautiful waterfall where we jumped into the water and swam around. Then we went and got on a raft that they use for going to the market and rafted down the river for a few minutes. We joined our other groups and began our journey back up the river in our long boats. It was another awesome day. Tomorrow we leave at 3:00am for the airport to fly to New Zealand. I will try and communicate ASAP with you but do not worry sometimes internet is hard to find. We will take good care of your wonderful children.
Connie and Brian

Tree of Soles

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Fiji National Sand Dunes

Sand Dunes National Park

June 27th Sunday 2010.
After a wonderful breakfast at the beautiful resort we boarded the bus for a 1 hour journey to Sigatoka Sand Dunes National Park. We were greeted by an enthusiastic team of rangers and they explained the course we were going to take. There wasn't much cloud cover today so it was pretty hot and humid. All students bought water yesterday when we stopped at the local store. We began walking the beautiful trails to very spectacular views from high Juvonuleva (Turtle ) Lookout. We arrived at a location where each person was given a tree to plant to keep the forest thriving. After planting our trees you had the choice to take the 1 hour scenic walk or the 2 hour walk. Most everyone took the 2 hour walk. We had to climb a steep hill of sand to get to the ocean. What a view! We then walked along Fiji's beach while learning Fijian Culture. We took pictures along the way. We then went into the forest and had a story about tree hugging and we made a tree hugger.( sticks, vines, leaves for dress and coconut for the head) After that we ventured further to the tree of soles. While on the beach we picked up any flip flops that had washed ashore and we hung them from a tree know as the "Tree of Soles" People wrote on their soles and we saw one from PTP New York 2004. After sole searching we went back to the ranger station and had lunch brought from Mcdonalds. After playing Net Ball (Volleyball) we boarded the bus for Fijian shopping. Now we are back at the hotel swimming, snorkeling, Kayaking, relaxing before dinner.

We are in Fiji at Mystery Island

Mystery Island Transportation

Mystery Island

Sailing to Mystery Island

Bula Bula to all our American Friends,
Today after breakfast we boarded the motor coach and left our wonderful Warwick resort to experience another wonderful day. We had a 2 hour drive past Sigatoka, Natadola and Nadi to a resort town Denarue where Bill Gates owns many houses. There we boarded a beautiful Tall Clipper Sail boat and begun the 1.5hour cruise to Mystery island (Tavua) just past the island where they filmed the movie Castaway. They boat got close to the island and then a little boat came and took us the rest of the way. We then got into the water and walked the last couple of feet. Once on the island we had a choice to relax (Fiji Style) , get a massage on the beach, go snorkeling, Scuba Dive for our certified students, Canoe around the island, play beach volleyball or sit under a hut and enjoy the view. At 1:00 they played loud drums and they served us lunch on the island. We then enjoyed all those same activities until 3:00. We boarded the little boat which took us out to the clipper boat and we sailed back while the guide told us about culture in Fiji. Once we arrived at the port we got to go to Hard Rock Cafe and purchase shirts. Some kids ate. We then boarded the bus for our hotel and ate Indian Food. The students are now enjoying our wonderful entertainment at the resort. A very spectacular day in Fiji. Tomorrow we go to the Fiji Sand Dunes. Pictures are coming soon.
Bula Bula

Friday, June 25, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

journal writing from a delegate

Today we woke up at 7:00 got ready and went down to meet our group for breakfast. We boarded the bus for a Fijian School. Zach, our delegation manager briefed us about what schooling was like here. There is a primary, or elementary school, secondary or high school and then the university. you have to pass an exam to be able to qualify for a university. when we got to the school, one of the teachers came and got us to take us to the greeting room. The principal then welcomed us and he said a prayer. Then we split into 4 groups and had a tour of their school with some Form 5 (seniors) students. After the tour, we went to have a snack and said goodbye to our tour guides. We went to the classrooms next and I ended up in an art class. They showed us how to make bracelets and other jewelry out of some kind of stuff. Then we had lunch, then went outside for rugby and volleyball and games with the little kids. we did the hokey pokey and sang. After singing we played more games. We went to get our school supplies off the bus. Mark and Rebekah did a presentation of the gifts. They sang for us and we sang for them, We said a prayer shook their hands and hugged them. On our way out they kids chased the bus and waved at us. we had a awesome day.

Fiji School Day

Hello to everyone, Our day began with the opportunity of a lifetime. We had the opportunity to spend the entire school day with a Jr. high school in Fiji. The students were welcomed to the school by the principal and some young ladies. Our students were divided into 4 groups where they went with the students from Fiji into their classrooms to see how daily life is the same at home as well as how different it is. From their our students were welcomed with some food from Fiji including coconuts with reeds for straws, yellow watermelon, sugar cane, and much more. They continued with the students and they saw their computer lab 1993 computers (4 of them) their library (no more than 100 books nothing new). They had the opportunity to experience PE with them where they played rugby (muddy) and volleyball (muddy) they all loved it. They also had a couple of hours to interact with the primary children and they taught them the hokey pokey, a new dance??? and red light green light. You would have thought all of these kids knew each other for years. They really bonded. They had a good bye ceremony for us and they sang songs and then we sang songs.. They are much better singers than us :) We then gave them the gift of school supplies that they so desperately needed. We got on the bus and reflected on our day. Our students comments this way:
"we need to do more to help these students, they have nothing!"
"It seems like they have nothing yet they are still happy"
"there was no air conditioning just opened windows"
"They seem to treat everyone as equal, their are no groups like our schools"
"I need to be thankful for what I have"
This experience opened their eyes and their hearst to different cultures of the world"

You will hear more from one of our delegates tonight. Someone volunteered to let me put their journal writing from today on the blog. Check back soon.
Bula Bula to all of you in America

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

View From Our Resort

We are in Fiji

Hello everyone, We made it to Fiji. Our flight was great. We have not had any problems. The students are wonderful, our delegation manager's name in Zach and he is wonderful. Once we cleared customs we all got on a nice bus and we began our tour around Fiji. We say lots of villages within the island. We then went shopping in a little village where most of the kids bought surongs and sulu's. Then it was off to a Eco Park within the rain forest and it was very interesting seeing all the different animals. It is beautiful, hot and humid. We then check into the resort. Go online to the Warwick Resort and spa in Fiji it is AMAZING! the kids are now snorkeling, kayaking, swimming, playing beach volleyball and getting to know the other delegation. It is difficult to post pictures now the internet is really slow. Having a great time. I will check in soon. Love you all

Saturday, June 19, 2010

This was our game "Birdie on a Perch" at our Bon Voyage Party.


This is our game from today at Lodi Lake.


Hello everyone, I hope you had a great time today. I will meet you at the airport at 3:00 Tuesday. United. Domestic. See you there,

Friday, June 18, 2010

Bon Voyage Party

See you all tomorrow at 1:00 in Lodi

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bon Voyage Party

I will see all of you at our Bon Voyage Party this Saturday. 1:00 Lodi Lake

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The South Pacific

Hello everyone, We will be leaving soon for the South Pacific and I want us to be able to communicate.
